Thursday, May 7, 2009

Struts 2 Security Addons Code Repository

I have created a code repository for the struts 2 security modules listed in the appendix section of paper "A Gap Analysis of Application Security in Struts2" by Arshan Dabirsiaghi and the OWASP ISWG.

The code repository can be found below, and it allows anyone to download the code and use it within their own project.

Additionally, you can see discussion of these modules in my earlier blog posts:


Anonymous said...

Hi, I wanted to thank you for your great post. It really helped me.
But I can't download the code from code repository link. It says doesn't exist when I enter the checkout link in my svn checkout. could you please tell me how can I download the source code.

Nick Coblentz said...

you should be able to download it using a command like:
svn checkout struts2securityaddons-read-only

I tried this a few minutes ago and was successful; however, the page states that Google is doing some maintenance.

diego said...

Today it worked. I don't know what was wrong the other day, maybe it was because of doing maintenance.
Thank you so much.