Wednesday, August 6, 2008

OWASP CLASP Overview Presentation

The OWASP Comprehensive, Lightweight Application Security Process (CLASP) is an "Activity driven, role-based set of process components whose core contains formalized best practices for building security into your existing or new-start software development life cycles in a structured, repeatable, and measurable way"

In other words, it is one method of many (others examples are Microsoft SDL and Software Security Touchpoints) for implementing a secure development process.

A couple months ago, I created a presentation that gave a high-level overview of CLASP. I wanted to make this presentation available to the community as well as gather input from industry practitioners regarding how feasible this model is within their environment. I encourage anyone who is interested to join the OWASP CLASP mailing list or comment directly.

The presentation can be found here: OWASP CLASP Overview

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