Thursday, October 1, 2009

Turn Application Assessment Reports into Training Classes

So you had a third party application assessment and you have a report 10 miles long. There are cross-site scripting, SQL injection, authentication, authorization, and every other kind of vulnerability under the sun listed. Your development team gears up and remediates issues, often using trial and error (patch, retest, pray, and repeat) to fix issues over several iterations. Eventually, all the vulnerabilities have been addressed successfully and you file the report away forever...

Stop Right There! There's an opportunity to use a real application within your organization to train developers to write secure code THE FIRST TIME! Here's how:

Taking the Time to Analyze Root Causes and Develop Standards

Now that the fire is out (the issues are fixed), let's take some time to understand how the vulnerabilities were created in the first place. Was it a result of missing output encoding practices, inconsistent page-level access controls, or some other issue? Gather a list of root causes that resulted in the identified weakness.

Next, use security experts or online resources, like OWASP, to find security best practice solutions for eliminating these vulnerabilities. Some great examples are the OWASP XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet or the OWASP SQL Injection Prevention Cheat Sheet. Finally, create a centralized application security portal or wiki that developers can access and add these root causes and best practice solutions as official company standards.

Bullet Points:
  • Create a centralized application security portal or wiki
  • As you analyze root causes and find security best practice approaches to fix them, add them as standards to the portal

Archive the Vulnerable Application Code for Later Use

After completing the third party assessment, you now possess real world vulnerability examples and a report that lists each issue, including the page and parameters vulnerable and a guide for exploiting them. This report and the vulnerable application will be a great learning tool to be leveraged later. Archive the vulnerable application code and any other related components. Make sure it is possible to restore this application to a working state within a test environment at a later date.

Bullet Points:
  • Archive the application and related components to be deployed within a test environment at a later date

Conduct Developer Training

In the weeks before hosting a training course, generate developer interest by deploying the vulnerable application within a well controlled, internal, isolated, secure... you get the idea... test environment. Send application URLs and credentials to developers and tell them what classes of vulnerabilities can be found (refer to your assessment report). Encourage developers to test and discover security issues individually until the training class.

In the training class, go through each vulnerability class or root cause with developers. Demonstrate application security attacks against the weaknesses using the vulnerable application deployed to the test environment as a real world example. Once you have gone through each vulnerability type, ask developers to discuss other areas of the application they identified as vulnerable during the preceding weeks. After the discussion, have developers break up into groups to find any remaining issues. Give hints as the number of remaining vulnerabilities dwindles.

Once all the issues have been found by developers or demonstrated by the instructor, ask developers for methods of addressing each vulnerability class. Intentionally choose suggestions that are missing key security best practice concepts. Have developers come up to the presentation computer and code solutions on the spot; then, discuss reasons why the solution is flawed, and prove it with an example attack.

After going through a few proposed solutions, discuss the root cause that lead to the security weakness. Provide the best practice solution for eliminating the issue and preventing it in future code. Finally, show developers where they can access this company standard on the internal portal or wiki and have a developer implement the solution to fix the vulnerability on the spot.

Bullet Points:
  • Generate developer interest in the training course by allowing them to hack the vulnerable application
  • During the training course, discuss vulnerability classes, root causes, incorrect remediation solutions, security best practice based recommendations, and where to find company standards


Turning application security reports into company security standards and training courses is a great way to increase the return on investment for third party assessments. The suggestions discussed in the article above will greatly help developers succeed at writing secure code in future web applications. The process also uses meaningful real world applications to demonstrate the concepts and promote interest.

Some of these steps may require security savvy developers or security experts. If you would like assistance developing training courses, identifying root causes, or documenting security standards, please feel free to send me an email. I can be contacted at <My First Name>.<My Last Name>

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